Data security breaches are becoming a common occurrence and one frequent reason for an attack is uneducated staff. Attacks can originate from the outside by cybercriminals, but they can easily gain access to data due to staff negligence and ignorance. It is important to teach, alert and educate your staff before a data breach occurs within the company. Comms-Byte have compiled some tips on how to educate your employees on Cybersecurity.
Create a Password Policy which is strong and robust
A strong Password Policy ensures that staff have complicated passwords that are regularly changed and are kept private from others. Often, when people are asked to remember these passwords, they will use the same one numerously, which can lead to a security risk. A way to combat this is by using a Password Manager to organise passwords for all users.
Regularly speak to your employees
Regularly hold meetings and seminars to discuss the impact a cyberattack will have on the organisation and its departments. Constantly bringing this matter up will help to remind employees about their duties towards preventing such attacks from occurring. An annual review with a signed copy of understanding the company policies will not be enough. Speak to your employees regularly about this.
Train and guide employees to recognise an attack
Having a step-by-step guide on what to do when there is a cyberattack incident will minimise delays and will help employees to act quickly during an actual attack. Training should happen before a problem occurs. Basic training should include rules on email, internet browsing and social networking. It must be thorough enough to explain how to recognise an attack and what to do in the case of a cyberattack.
Inform your employees as soon as possible if a cyberattack occurs
Setting up insurance, instructions on informing the organisation and a PR strategy in advance will help to minimise the impact of the event both internally and externally. Not speaking to your organisation about cyber incidents can lead to catastrophic results. Inform both the organisation and its members and be prepared to deal with the press.
Ask employees to pay great attention to social media sites
Train employees to be aware on social networking sites, blogs and unknown sites and sources when they are at work. Also, ask them to be aware of any phone calls that would attempt to obtain information about the company and its operations.
It can be very easy for a hacker to get into the organisation through staff negligence and lack of knowledge about cybersecurity.